Big Roast – It is all worth it

So it hasn’t been the best of weeks in certain areas. Some of the businesses have had a few creaks, some people issues and other ‘things’ to be resolved. All part and parcel of the flotsam & jetsam of modern business life.

Big RoastThen the idiot goes and rips his ankle to pieces on a tennis court. Blah, blah blah – some weeks are just more testing that others.

And then like cupid with his bow, a ray of sunshine battles its way through the haze and reminds you of the good times. Reminds one of why I have been so lucky to have worked with such a great group of people over so many years and build some great businesses.

We established Big Roast in 2008 with a member of staff who use to do a part time roasting job at the weekends. It has gone on to become the leading hog roast company in London and we have developed a great reputation for quality and service.

The email below was received today and is testament to the efforts of Gary Thomson, Nick Thomas, Sebastian, Ruth Weighill and lastly my wife (she would kill me if I didn’t acknowledge the work she does in pest control).

“Couldn’t let the moment pass without writing to thank you for all your help in organising my husband’s 70th birthday party.

It could not have been more perfect – and if I had any worries that the barbeque style food might not be quite the thing for a lot of ‘oldies’ – I could not have been more wrong!!  They all loved it.  From our first conversation, I was impressed with how helpful and supportive you were – no hard sell, even advising me that I needed less salad than I thought (which was quite right!).  The day went without a hitch – Sebastien arrived on the dot and just got on with things, so when we and all our guests got back from the cinema (yes! morning picture show, just like we old people did in our youth!) – everything was totally under control and just enough time for a drink (or 2) before lunch was served!

Without exception, the old and young thought that the pork was delicious – moist, tasty and lots of crackling!  The salads too were of an excellent quality – one notoriously ‘picky’ friend went so far as to say it was the best coleslaw she had ever tasted!!

Sebastian was professional, efficient and very charming!  When all the serving was over, he quietly packed up and went on his way!  As you had assured me, there was plenty of meat for 90+ guests – and about 16 of us finished up the leftovers at about 9pm, as we mulled over the memorable party.

Thanks again – I would certainly use Big Roast again – and am sure you will be hearing from some of our guests, who thought it an excellent party solution!

Best wishes

Rob Laughton

Rob Laughton

Rob Laughton works to ensure that Rt7's companies continue to develop and grow.

He is responsible for generating interest in products and services we offer by leveraging online and offline marketing. He also spends his time writing about the world on his personal blog

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